Membership Requirements
Applicants who would qualify for membership are organizations or clubs whose primary purpose(s) is approved by SDCWF. No clubs, organizations or people whose goals are not in accordance with SDCWF's beliefs and/or which have an anti-hunting or anti-sportfishing bias will be accepted for membership.
Application for Membership
Each applicant applying for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Federation Board of Directors, which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Articles, Constitution and By-laws of the SDCWF. The application shall state the name, address and occupation of the applicant, and it shall carry the endorsement of two SDCWF members. A copy of the applicant's by-laws and a letter appointing a Delegate and Alternate Delegate to represent that group must be included. Said letter must provide that the Delegates have the authority to vote on behalf of the applicant organization. Click here to download a copy of the SDCWF application form.
All applications are to be filed with the Secretary and each application is to be read at the first meeting of the Board of Directors after its receipt. At the following Board of Directors meeting with a quorum present, the application will be voted upon and affirmative votes of a majority (51%) of the Delegates present at that meeting shall be required in order to approve the applicant.
Annual dues for each organization are $150 for 1 year and $300 for 3 years.
Dues shall be set by a majority vote of the Delegates at the November meeting for the following fiscal year or years, as the Delegates decide. A Member shall cease to be in good standing if dues are not paid within 90 days of when due; however, the Board of Directors may grant an additional 90 days of grace to a delinquent Member in meritorious cases which shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If a Member joins during a fiscal year its dues shall be prorated by the months remaining in the year.
Please see our application on the next page